First steps into the unknown

3 min readJan 21, 2020


Warning: This second part of my blog is all about me me me. Anyone with a gag reflex or IBS should either stop reading now or get within sprinting distance of a toilet.

So, if you’re in position.

If you had asked me 3 years ago, what I expected to be doing today, I can guarantee that Director, Sustainable Solutions would not have been my answer. Indeed, I would have said “getting ready to take over from my boss, the VP of Asia”.

That was the plan for the last 5 or 6 years, and it seemed a natural progression from my early days as a junior technician 30 years ago in the UK and the last 20 years in Hong Kong.

All seemed well with the world and I was enjoying my work and my life of trail running, hiking and the “occasional” drink with my friends in Hong Kong.

A well earned post race beer. That’s me in yellow combining two of my favorite things :-)

But, there was an annoying voice somewhere deep in my mind saying, “you don’t really enjoy preparing reports, budgets and trawling though the quarterly P&L do you?”. I had become increasingly aware that this career move just wasn’t going to be as rewarding as I had expected. So, I decided to look around for something new. I wasn’t looking for anything too serious or time consuming, just something that might take me in a slightly different direction or spark some new interest. Eventually I found an interesting looking 3 month online short course from CISL and enjoyed it very much. This led me to the post graduate certificate and eventually to the masters program.

As I was working on my analysis paper and strategic action plan, it became abundantly clear that the electroplating industry needs to get into the 21st century and address its environmental footprint. The fact is, is that the industry calls itself environmentally aware, but in fact does little more than comply with legislation. So, I took it upon myself to lobby internally for a new focus on investment in developing sustainable production chemistries and systems.

In fact, I lobbied so effectively that they made me responsible for sustainability globally just over a year ago. And what a year it’s been. A year of highs and lows one could say. I’m learning that even though people know becoming a sustainable organisation, is a necessary and “right” thing to do, getting commitment is very difficult, with some of our board being very supportive, but not wanting to upset the apple cart too much and some being quite set against setting targets and reporting.

Making the first steps was tough. How do you start something like this, with so many technical and cultural challenges?

It soon became clear, I didn’t have the foggiest of a notion. Thankfully, there’s a growing network of like minded individuals, companies & NGO’s as well as friends made via CISL alumni to consult and from whom to draw inspiration. Attending seminars from organisations like the Global Reporting Initiative put me in direct connection with many who can help a company like mine at all stages of their sustainable journey.

So, I have made a start on a journey that will take time. How much time…...?

I don’t have the foggiest of a notion.

